2012: The End?
This morning my friend Lisa joined me in sharing the gospel with folks at the Fargo Street Fair. During this outreach, we saw ten people pray to receive salvation. I also encountered a man who tried preaching to me. When I asked him where he would spend eternity when his life ended, he replied “2012” and then rambled on about why he believes the world will end on December 21st of that year. Another man I talked to minutes earlier also made reference to 2012. Late last year I saw the motion picture “2012”, which I thought of as a mixture of “Armageddon”, “Titanic”, and “Independence Day.” Although the movie was well produced, it was biblically inaccurate. First of all, “2012” showed the whole earth flooded by a great tsunami. God promised in Genesis 9:11, “Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” Secondly, the Bible says the world will suffer th...