Let God Be God

How do you respond if a fellow believer proclaims something that’s in error? There are times we need to rebuke others . But no matter how you speak the truth in love, some people won’t receive correction. In those situations, it’s best to back off. God can send someone else who will possibly get through to them. You have to let God be God. A Christian writer I met a few years ago recently posted a quote on his Facebook page supporting his belief in universal reconciliation . First, I responded by reminding him of Revelation 20:15, “And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” Later, I posted a quote about the reality of eternal punishment for the unsaved and then added the comment: “Love warns.” This writer repeatedly defended himself by posting links to blog articles he wrote. I glanced at only one of them. I’m cautious not to absorb teachings that misinterpret the Bible. I could have posted more corrective comments but opted not to. I cannot be s...