A Response to Billy Bashers

During the late 1990s, I worked for World Wide Pictures, the film ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. My job there was calling pastors throughout the United States scheduling evangelistic films to be shown in their churches as part of an outreach event. Although telemarketing work can get tedious, my job at World Wide Pictures was quite enjoyable. Most of the time, I talked with pastors and church secretaries who treated me courteously even if they weren’t interested in booking a film. Occasionally I spoke with individuals who were critical of Dr. Graham (some of my co-workers labeled them “Billy bashers”). One objection that regularly came up was that Billy is “too ecumenical.” The New Oxford American Dictionary defines ecumenical as “promoting or relating to unity among the world's Christian churches.” One can aim to unify the body of Christ without compromising the integrity of the gospel. Jesus Hims...