What Color Is Jesus?

Sometimes while you’re out evangelizing, individuals will try to stump you with challenging questions. One I’ve heard primarily from African-Americans is: “What color is Jesus?” I remember ministering to one bitter black man who labeled Christianity “a white man’s religion” that would never work for him. In response, I testified about two African-Americans who got saved a few days before and were immediately healed of bodily injuries. This man was still resistant to the gospel. People tend to picture the Lord based on their own culture. For centuries, Westerners have depicted the Son of God as a Caucasian. In recent years, there have been increasing amounts of artwork of a black Jesus (the one pictured here is from the old TV sitcom “Good Times”). One well-known preacher who is part Native American jokingly claims Jesus was an Indian because the Bible says He is “chief cornerstone.” Since Jesus lived most of His earthly life in Palestine, one could speculate He had a ...