
Showing posts with the label brochure

The Watchtower’s “Kingdom of God” Examined

One thing I will commend Jehovah’s Witnesses for is their persistence in spreading their beliefs. Every Saturday morning, many of them go door to door in various neighborhoods. In recent years, I’ve seen JW’s standing by portable displays of their literature near libraries, stores, restaurants, bus stops, and on street corners. Unfortunately, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society promote another gospel based on works (Galatians 1:6-9). Their teachings can put undiscerning followers into religious bondage, eventually resulting in them being lost for eternity. Recently after I led a young man to the Lord at McDonald’s, a Jehovah’s Witness who overheard our conversation placed a brochure on my table as she was leaving. “What is the Kingdom of God” lists several Bible verses and then asks, “What will life be like under the rule of God’s Kingdom?” That question is answered by referring to two passages of Scripture… “The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell in it forever.”