Cross Dressing
Two days ago while waiting for a friend to pick me up at the Minneapolis Public Library, a man with a beard walked in wearing open-toed high heels plus short denim shorts. The latter in itself was bizarre considering the temperature outside was at the freezing mark. This man ended up causing a ruckus at the library. A couple of times I heard him defiantly challenge people to touch him. Because he refused to leave on his own accord, three security guards tackled the man to the floor and hauled him away in handcuffs. I recall at least one incident when witnessing to a crossdresser. Again this happened in Minneapolis. While walking towards the downtown area, I encountered a homeless person sitting outside. He claimed to know Jesus but wasn't going to church anywhere because of not being accepted dressed as a woman. This man even claimed God told him it was okay to be transgender. If that was true, God would be contradicting His own commandment in Deuteronomy 22:5... “...