Love Thy Neighbor?
As a minister of the gospel, one thing that irritates me is when people handle the word of God deceitfully (2 Corinthians 4:2) to get something they want without acknowledging all of its commands. Sometimes I deal with pushy panhandlers who insist the Bible commands me to “feed the poor.” I reply by pointing out the Bible also says, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.” (2 Thessalonians 3:10) During a recent vaccine mobilization event in Detroit, Vice President Kamala Harris declared we should all get vaccinated because it is “…the very essence of what the Bible tells us when it says, ‘Love thy neighbor.’ Right?” Wrong! Jesus actually said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Yes, we should look out for the welfare of others. That doesn’t mean we have to neglect our own. If vaccinations are so wonderful, why are vaccinated people still getting COVID-19? Others who have gotten jabbed have experienced side effects and even died! On a related note, I’m s...