Marriage, Money, and Ministry
A few days ago, I saw this message posted on Facebook…. “My fiancée wants a wedding and I don't. I want a small ceremony. She wants to use the $16,000 that I have saved up for a home and for emergency funds. I already spent $3,000 on a ring she wanted and that was from my savings. We can’t seem to come to a compromise. I’m willing to spend $5,000 on the wedding and she says that’s not enough. What should I do?” My initial reply was, “Break off the engagement.” I thought this woman was greedy. It would be better to invest more money in the marriage itself. A wedding ceremony plus a reception will last a few hours at the most. Marriage is for a lifetime. Then I remembered something Billy Graham wrote in his autobiography “Just As I Am.” While attending Wheaton College, Billy got engaged to another student named Ruth Bell. Soon they got into a disagreement about their plans for the future. Ruth wanted to be a missionary in Tibet. Billy knew his calling was to preach the gospel t...