Christian Nightclubs

A few weeks ago following a service at a Christian campground, I picked up a newsletter written by that night’s speaker, a minister who I know and respect. The newsletter included an article entitled “False Prophets & Damnable Doctrines.” Most of what he wrote I agreed with except for him criticizing Christian nightclubs. This minister didn’t think God could use such a venue for His glory.

In 1997, I briefly volunteered at the New Union (now called Club 3 Degrees), a Christian nightclub in Minneapolis affiliated with a Full Gospel church I attended in the Twin Cities area. This club was started by a couple who desire to reach out to young people who normally wouldn’t attend a church service. I can relate to their vision since I used to work as a disco DJ. Until I got born again, I erroneously believed God was against modern music. Yet the Bible says in many places, “Sing to the Lord a new song.”

Getting back to the New Union/Club 3 Degrees, this club hosts concerts by nationally known Christian recording artists. However, they have certain rules such as not allowing secular songs played on stage. The club also doesn’t allow couples to “pair off” and dance together. During my tenure there, I heard many testimonies of people who got saved and healed because of this Christian nightclub.

The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:22, “I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” Christian-owned coffee shops exist to reach out to the lost. Why would Christian nightclubs be that much different?

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness 
and rivers in the desert.” - Isaiah 43:19


womanofvalue said…
Hello, I appreciate your comments about Christian clubs. I have a desire to start a church, but as a club versus the traditional format. Your post is confirmation to me - I hope you don't mind giving me any insight you might have on this subject.
T. R. Post said…
You may want to begin with gatherings in your own home. The Lord has directed me to start up house churches by using my DJ skills. Here's a video from one of my "Glory Parties"...