The Moral Case for Purity
While riding a bus in Tampa, Florida a few weeks ago, I briefly browsed through a newspaper someone left behind. One particular article by a New York-based freelance writer named Jill Filipovic grabbed my attention. I was inspired to search for her Facebook profile and email her this reply… Dear Jill, This is in response to your article “ The Moral Case for Sex Before Marriage.” I first read an edited portion of it in a Tampa newspaper. Later I went online and found the full version on your blog. I used to frequently have sex outside of marriage. Had I read your article when I was in my early twenties (I’m 48 now), I would have agreed with most of what you wrote. But after having been infected with venereal disease twice and being forced to pay child support for a daughter I never raised, I see things differently now. While I agree there are benefits of having a healthy sex life , I must take issue with many of ...