Hunting Allowed
I’ve never had much interest in hunting. The only time I’ve done so happened when I was 19. One day I went for a country drive with a friend who brought along his BB gun. Just for fun he shot at birds sitting on road signs and telephone lines. My friend encouraged me to take a few shots and I killed just one bird. Since then, the closest I’ve gone hunting was playing Duck Hunt, a video game featuring a dog that laughs every time a player fails to hit any ducks.
This past week a huge controversy erupted over a Minnesota man’s recent bowhunting trip in Zimbabwe. A dentist named Walter Palmer killed a lion that was part of an Oxford University research project. This lion named Cecil had been lured from the grounds of a wildlife preserve by Palmer’s safari guides.
In response to accusations of poaching, Dr. Palmer issued a statement saying he thought he had hunted legally and offered an apology. Nevertheless, the dentist received death threats plus had hundreds of protesters stand outside his office demanding “justice for Cecil.” How about demanding justice for aborted babies (especially those whose body parts were sold by Planned Parenthood)?
Animal rights activists need to realize man and beast are not equal in God’s eyes. Man is the only being created in the image and likeness of God. Scripture even encourages hunting. In Acts 10:13, Peter was commanded in a vision to “Rise...kill and eat.” The first book of the Bible mentions two hunters by name. Genesis 10:9 describes Nimrod as “a mighty hunter before the Lord.” Genesis 25:27 says, “Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field...”
One could argue animals shouldn’t be hunted at all unless they are used for food or clothing. Proverbs 12:27 says, “The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting...” Either way, two of my favorite preachers happen to be avid hunters: South African-born revivalist Rodney Howard-Browne and Pastor Mac Hammond of Living Word Christian Center in suburban Minneapolis. Pastor Mac goes on elk hunting trips every year and then testifies of God speaking to him while camping out in the wilderness.
One sign posted on the front door of Walter Palmer’s office claims he will “rot in hell” for Cecil’s death. The truth is multitudes of people will go to hell not for killing animals but rejecting the gift of eternal life available only through the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
“Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” - Matthew 10:31