Supernatural Speeding

Christians are living epistles according to 2 Corinthians 3:3. Non-Christians carefully observe the actions of professing believers to see if they are “walking the walk” as well as “talking the talk.” One thing that leaves a bad witness is when God’s people don’t obey traffic laws. Imagine what an unbeliever thinks when he sees a Christian speeding with a “What Would Jesus Do” bumper sticker on the back of his car.

I’ve met a few Christians who tried justifying their need to speed but still found themselves in trouble. One morning I rode with a pastor who was running behind schedule and drove well over the posted speed limit on our way to his church. Despite having a radar detector in his car, this pastor got pulled over. Since I was from out of state, the patrolman searched my luggage to make sure I wasn’t transporting drugs. Fortunately for the pastor, all he got was a warning ticket. In spite of this, we arrived at his church much later than had he obeyed the speed limit in the first place.

There was another incident when a friend of mine went past the speed limit while driving me to the airport. When I suggested he slow down, my friend claimed speeding would help him avoid flying rocks. A rock hit and cracked his windshield just before we exited the freeway.

Then there was the time a man asked me to use his car to drive a female friend of his to work. When I showed up at this woman’s house, she insisted on driving since she knew the way to her workplace. Once we got on the freeway, she started going 80 miles per hour in a 55 mph zone. I politely asked her to slow down. She replied, “I don’t want to lose the job God gave me.” I reminded her what the Bible says about obeying the laws of the land (Romans 13:1-2). She got more defensive and so I quietly prayed in the Spirit. This woman was forced to slow down due to heavy traffic and still arrived late for work.  

Daniel 12:3 says that in the last days, “many shall run to and fro.” In today’s society, multitudes are constantly rushing to go somewhere. While street evangelizing, many people I approach won’t stop to talk with me because they claim to be in a hurry.

Christians don’t have to live under that kind of pressure. God can translate us if He needs us to be somewhere when we cannot be on time by natural means. Personally I know at least two people who experienced translations while driving. In 1992, a former girlfriend testified how God supernaturally got her to church one night faster than the 15 minutes it normally took to get there. When she left her house, the clock in her car read “6:25.” When she arrived at the church, her clock read “6:31.” She got to the church in six minutes without speeding.

Another friend of mine who was on staff at Calvary Campground emailed me a testimony of her being translated. One morning she drove 90 miles from Ashland, Virginia to Washington, DC where she was scheduled to speak at a church. She was running late and had to drive slower than the posted speed limit due to heavy traffic on Interstate 95. While driving through Northern Virginia, God suddenly moved her forward several miles and got her to the church on time.

Don’t let the busyness of this world prompt you to break the speed limit or do other foolish things that can create additional problems. Trust in the Lord and He will always help you be in the right place at the right time.

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in his way.” – Psalm 37:23


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