My Experience with TracFone (and Other Carriers)
Until 2008, I didn’t own a cell phone. I grew to despising them because they often rang before I could witness to selected individuals. Then I dated a woman who offered to buy me a phone and put me on her Sprint plan. That ended after a few months when we broke up. A short time later, I set up a Boost Mobile account. It was the only cellular service I knew of then that didn’t require signing a contract. My Boost Mobile phone was used sparingly since I had frequent access to landlines. In addition, a friend told me about Google Voice that allowed me to make free calls through my laptop using Wi-Fi. Eventually , I closed my Boost Mobile account after being tricked into switching to their $50/month Unlimited Plan to use a “free phone” they sent me. Then another friend offered me a phone to use with his T-Mobile family plan. A year later, that phone accidentally got baptized in the washing machine. My then-pastor unsuccessfully tried resurrecting that phone in a bag of rice. Becau...