Healed of a Deviated Septum

During a 1996 renewal meeting at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, I received a healing in my nasal cavity I didn’t know was needed. Before that night, one of my nostrils was always plugged whenever I breathed through my nose. That would alternate. I used to think that was normal until feeling a “pop” in my sinuses.

Sixteen years later, I stayed for a couple of weeks at a church in Charleston, South Carolina. Another guest named Conrad talked about his suspicion of “faith healers.” When I testified of God healing me of a deviated septum, Conrad told me he had the same problem. So I laid my hand on his nose. Soon he was able to breathe through both nostrils. 

During a church service the following night, I testified of Conrad’s healing and mine. Afterward, a young man visiting from the capital city of Columbia approached me with the same nasal problem. I laid hands on Chris three times until his healing manifested.

This past Thursday at Calvary Campground, I talked with my friend Cassandra about my time in Toronto. When I got to testifying about others healed of a deviated septum, Cassandra stopped me to reveal she had the same problem and asked for prayer. Once again, God healed through my hand.

Then yesterday morning following a prayer meeting at the campground, a staff member asked for testimonies that occurred during their Winter Campmeeting. I went up first and talked of Cassandra and others previously getting healed. Four people later asked me to pray for them. All of them started breathing easier. Hallelujah!

Part of the Great Commission is laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover (Mark 16:18). Even if you aren't in the five-fold ministry, God can use you to heal others. That is especially true if you got healed of a particular ailment. Your testimony can build the faith of others who have that same ailment. If you don’t see healings right away, keep laying hands on the sick. In recent years, I’ve seen healing manifest more regularly. What God has done through me, He can do through you.

“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” - 1 Peter 4:10


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