Face the Music

One thing that kept me away from Christianity during my younger years was religious ideas regarding music. Some church folk preaches against genres of music they hate, such as hard rock and rap. After becoming a believer, I learned of one denomination that prohibits musical instruments during worship services. They only allow a cappella singing.

A meme circulating online lists the following reasons why some believers are against instrumental music for worship (along with Scripture references to defend their beliefs):

  • Was not commanded by Christ (Matthew 28:18-20, Colossians 3:17)
  • Goes beyond the doctrine of Christ, and adds to the Word of God (2 John 9-11)
  • Makes worship vain (Matthew 15:1-9)
  • Is not a part of true worship (John 4:24)
  • Is not a part of “the truth” of the Apostles (John 16:13; 17:17)
  • Is not walking by faith (Roman 10:17)

I find these narrow interpretations of God’s word ridiculous. Laptops, tablets, and smartphones aren’t in the Bible. Wouldn’t that mean one should avoid electronic devices to share legalistic ideas like these? 

When possible, I like to spend part of the afternoon “soaking.” Often I use instrumental music playing on my Mac or iPad while lying still before the Lord. Doing this quiets my mind and helps me relax. Sometimes God speaks to me in visions.

The Old Testament has many examples of God’s people using musical instruments while worshipping the Lord. Miriam played the tambourine in Exodus 15:20. David playing the harp in 1 Samuel 16 relieved King Saul from an evil spirit. Psalm 150:4-6 encourages us to praise Him with the sound of the trumpet, the lute, the timbrel, stringed instruments, flutes, and loud clashing cymbals. 

It’s insanity to suggest it’s wrong for Christians to play a guitar or piano under the New Covenant. Neither Jesus nor the Apostles forbade musical instruments during gatherings. 1 Corinthians 14 talks about the use the flutes and harps. When the rapture happens, we will hear the sound of a trumpet (1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16). Revelation 14:2 mentions harpists in heaven.

Psalm 33:2-3 says, “Praise the Lord with the harp; Make melody to Him with an instrument of ten strings. Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy.” I’ve attended countless meetings where musicians ushered in the presence of God with their playing. So don’t let religious people squelch your worship. Whether you use musical instruments, singing, or both, do it for His glory!

“Let them praise His name with the dance; Let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp.” - Psalm 149:3


Larry Norman asked the question why should the devil have all the good music, and that he didn't like funeral dirges.

To know the Living Christ and sing a song, say, "Onward Christian Soldiers" like you're coming back from being soundly trounced, is just not cool.

But, then any song can be just sung and have no Spirit and no Truth in the heart of the singing.

For me for it to be Worship, not merely Praise, I need to be able to sing it from my heart in agreement as a prayer. Not sure about some of the latest and greatest.

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