
Showing posts from February, 2025

An Encounter with a Questionable Beggar

During my thirty-plus years of street ministry, I’ve had to be discerning when handling panhandlers . Because some are persistent, I tell them upfront, “I don’t have any money for you.” However, I always carry extra snacks to give to hungry beggars. That opens their heart more for me to share the gospel with them. Last weekend, I took a train to New Orleans. Because hotel rates were too high downtown, I opted to get a room at a motel in the northern part of the city. Instead of using Uber or Lyft, I took a bus from the train station to save money. I had to walk a few blocks from the bus stop with three pieces of luggage plus a backpack.  As I was getting close to the motel, a woman offered to help move one of my bags. I accepted her offer and perceived she was homeless. It was past midnight, and the lobby was closed. Therefore, I had to talk to the desk clerk through a glass window. Meanwhile, “Becky” (not her real name) stood nearby while I used my debit card to pay for m...

Remembering Wendy

God desires us to have a long life (Psalm 91:16). Unfortunately, we live in an imperfect world where some believers die prematurely. A woman I once dated for over a year passed away recently. In March 2008, my then-roommate Jim and I attended John Crowder meetings at Abundant Love Christian Fellowship, a house church in Washington, DC. During the second night, an Asian woman there caught my attention. I found her attractive but didn’t talk to her. I was more focused on filming the meetings using a camcorder Jim bought for me as a birthday present.  I saw this woman again the following month at a Mahesh Chavda meeting in Silver Spring, Maryland. This time, I approached her, and we chatted a little. Wendy was of Chinese descent, born in New York City to Taiwanese immigrants, but she eventually grew up in Maryland and earned a doctorate. She lived and worked in the nearby city of Rockville. During the next few weeks, I traveled to other cities. Meanwhile, Wendy and I exchanged em...

Patience Can Save Your Life

Being patient is something I have struggled with most of my life, but the Lord has done a work on me in this area. Galatians 5:22 says that patience or long-suffering is one of the fruits of the spirit. Still, I get annoyed when my plans are delayed because of other people's actions. Earlier this week, I took a train to Richmond, Virginia, to attend part of Calvary Campground ’s Winter Campmeeting in nearby Ashland. I left the Amtrak station in Tampa, Florida, on a Monday afternoon almost 30 minutes behind schedule. Although the train gradually made up for lost time, it got delayed again because of a tragedy.  Just before 4:30 a.m. the next morning in Columbia, South Carolina, the train stopped again minutes after letting off and picking up passengers. I’m used to Amtrak making frequent stops to let other trains pass or if another one stalled ahead of us. This sudden stop seemed a bit unusual. Soon, I learned there was a fatality on the tracks. A man tried driving his pickup tr...

If I Ran the NFL

As a child, I became a Minnesota Vikings fan and memorized National Football League statistics. Sometimes I made up fictitious leagues. I created nicknames and uniforms for these teams in my mind’s eye. I also rooted for competitors like the United States Football League to succeed. Because the NFL has become a multi-billion dollar monopoly, a new league will unlikely give them a serious challenge soon. The USFL recently made a comeback but has since merged into what’s now the United Football League, a minor league playing in the spring. In recent years, I’ve cut back on watching NFL games . To save time, I watch highlights on YouTube (especially when the Vikings are playing well). I also don’t like recent changes the league made. If, by some act of God, they made me the NFL commissioner, I would like to see the following things happen: Expansion. The league now plays a few regular-season games in London and Mexico City. Many U. S. cities desire an NFL franchise. Eight might be to...