What is a Christian?
Some people can get hung up on semantics especially religious folk. One of my Facebook friends recently posted this on his page: “I want it to be VERY known. I’m NOT a Christian. I repented of that in 2009. I became a disciple. There is a difference.” I posted this comment in response: “I’m not ashamed to call myself a Christian. What’s your definition of one?” My friend replied, "An Antioch baby. An infant unwilling to grow up. Happy to be in diapers being bottle fed, and catered to.” This man went on to write a diatribe about so-called Christians enslaving his ancestors. Webster’s 1828 dictionary gives several definitions of the word Christian. One of them is: “A real disciple of Christ; one who believes in the truth of the christian religion, and studies to follow the example, and obey the precepts, of Christ; a believer in Christ who is characterized by real piety.” Of course, not every professing Christian is officially one. While evangelizing, I occasionall...