A Response to a Christian Democrat

Last Wednesday morning, I watched President Donald Trump’s address to the joint session of Congress the previous night on YouTube (I didn’t watch it live because of catching up on much-needed sleep). It was disturbing to see some Democrats acting like whiny babies because they aren’t getting their way with the government. I kept thinking how American politicians become united only when our freedom is seriously threatened by events such as 9/11 and the attack on Pearl Harbor. I also thought of what Jesus said in Matthew 12:25, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.”

I wrote about this on my Facebook page. It triggered a response by a female minister I know who once pastored an inner-city church in Florida. I sometimes attended services there. She and her husband occasionally invited me to speak for a few minutes and gave me offerings. Although this pastor supported my ministry, we’ve had political differences. So I wasn’t surprised when she wrote a dissenting comment to my post. I’m sharing my response to her concerns here to hopefully educate other liberal-leaning believers who have been misinformed by the mainstream media:

“Are you content with cut to Medicaid and Medicare?”

I don’t believe Trump is seeking to eliminate those things but get rid of wasteful spending. Did you listen to the president’s list of ridiculous programs our government had been funding? Even if Medicaid and Medicare ceased to exist, that wouldn’t worry me. I look to the Lord as my source.

“civil servants and Veterans losing their jobs with no notice?”

The civil servants who were fired ignored orders to show up in person. It’s called accountability. I’m a veteran myself and know that Trump wants to DO MORE for those who served in the military.

“tariffs to our neighbors?”

As Trump stated in his speech, other nations have charged us more in tariffs than we did to them. What’s wrong with reciprocating in return if it will help our economy?

“Do you know that if Canada cuts energy supply to the US most of the northern states will be in the dark?”

No, it wouldn’t. I’m writing this from North Dakota [but currently in Minnesota]. The western part of this state has an abundance of untapped oil reserves.

“The one world order is shaping up.”

I agree, except that Trump’s reelection is postponing America’s involvement with that. I’m thankful he has pulled our country out of the WHO and other globalist organizations. 

Regardless of who is president, let’s focus on getting the gospel out. 

“Okay bro only time will tell. I'm focused on getting the gospel out. I’m not phased by government.”

(End of exchange)

I still don’t understand how professing Christians can align with a political party that promotes abortion, perverted lifestyles, and other godless ideas. While this won’t affect their eternal destinies, they will answer to God for poor decisions that negatively impact others.

“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live” - Deuteronomy 30:19


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