NFL: No Fans Left

In less than a month, the National Football League will begin a new regular season. I used to enjoy watching their games on TV. This year I plan to shy away from that even more. 

Many fans like myself are opposed to the NFL permitting players to disrespect “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Last year, the league started pairing that with “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” which has been called a “black national anthem.” Despite widespread criticism, Commissioner Roger Goodell declared, “We, the National Football League, believe black lives matter…Without black players, there would be no National Football League.” 

That’s not entirely true. The league existed before segregation in professional sports ended. I’m not against “Lift Every Voice and Sing” as a song. It originated from a Christian hymnal. However, playing a “black national anthem” before games is divisive instead of unifying. As stated before, I do not support the Black Lives Matter movement.

The league has also succumbed to the homosexual agenda. While channel surfing on a friend's TV a few weeks ago, I briefly stopped on the NFL Network. An ad came up declaring “football is gay” and featured a rainbow-colored NFL logo. I searched for this on their YouTube channel to give it a “dislike.” It had over five times more of those than “likes” plus many written complaints.  

The Minnesota Vikings will always be my favorite team, but I’ve become less enthusiastic about following them. Their Facebook page recently had pride memes posted. Offensive line coach Rick Dennison got removed from his post for refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccination but then was reinstated as “senior offensive advisor.” Players like starting quarterback Kirk Cousins have been criticized for not getting jabbed. Will they soon require proof of vaccinations for fans to attend their games?

Another thing I don’t like about the NFL is how they are adding extra games. Last year, two more wild card teams were added for the playoffs. Just like other major league sports, the NFL is allowing too many teams in the postseason. It defeats the necessity to play well enough throughout the regular season for the opportunity of becoming “World Champions.” I’d rather see division winners only qualify for the playoffs.

This year all teams will play 17 regular-season games. The odd number means half the teams (including the Vikings) will have one fewer home game than those played on the road. To lengthen the season, the league could have given each team an extra bye week as they did once before in 1993. Another option would be to play an 18 game regular season as the defunct USFL had in the 1980s. That still gives every team an equal number of home games.

I wish the league would play their games without all the greed and politicization. That would stop the increasing exodus of fans. Nevertheless, I hope all the Christian players have successful seasons this year. One I’m rooting for is Tim Tebow. He is attempting a comeback as a tight end with the Jacksonville Jaguars. If Tim makes the team, we could see him Tebowing again. I’d rather watch that instead of players kneeling during the national anthem or doing end zone celebrations that have gotten a bit ridiculous.

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” - Colossians 3:17


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