Write Your Own Tract

In response to evangelism testimonies I’ve posted on Facebook, a few individuals (mostly from other countries) asked me to mail them gospel tracts. My Facebook page clearly says I don't give donations in response to unsolicited emails. I also point out to foreigners it is expensive to ship stuff overseas. One ministry called the Fellowship Tract League sends out free tracts “as the Lord provides.” However, I’ve recommended googling “free gospel tracts”, find the one they like best, and then making printouts from their home, church, or at a print shop. One can immediately use the tracts instead of waiting weeks for a shipment.

Another option is to write your own gospel tract. Although I still use Nick Kinn’s “Have You Heard the Good News”, I’ve written a few of my own. The first was used outside a Marilyn Manson concert in Minneapolis. I wrote a brief version of my testimony, which included my background in the music business. Since then, I’ve written other tracts. Most were modeled after Pastor Nick’s, except I quote from the New King James Version of the Bible.

Here are some helpful tips when putting together a gospel tract:

  1. Write out your testimony. Unless you are a new believer, write about what God has done in your life before and after giving your life to Him. Focus on His goodness instead of glorifying all the bad things you have done.
  2. Edit your tract to where it takes a few minutes to read. You don’t want to bore people with a long theological explanation. Nor do you need to write your entire life story.
  3. Include a version of the sinner’s prayer. Many individuals will not know how to pray when recognizing their need for salvation.
  4. Remind them of the importance of praying, reading the Bible, and attending a Bible-based church. You may want to include your church’s address or website.
  5. Proofread your tract using spell check and have someone look at it before making printouts. You don’t want to hand out stuff with typos and bad grammar. Christians should have a spirit of excellence in everything they do for the Lord.

God bless you as you step out to share the Good News with others.

“My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” - Psalm 45:1


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