Remember Their Sacrifices

This Saturday is Veterans Day (federal buildings will observe it by closing on Friday). Many Americans take their freedoms for granted. That includes celebrities making empty threats of leaving the country if Donald Trump becomes President again. Over the years, countless U. S. soldiers shed their blood so we can enjoy this prosperous nation God blessed us with.

It’s tragic to see veterans begging on street corners. I go out of my way to minister to them as well as others wearing caps indicating they fought in specific wars. First, I approach these men by thanking them for their service. Then I mention my having spent time in the Army National Guard. If they’re hungry, I offer these veterans a snack and then a gospel tract explaining I’m now a soldier in the army of the Lord.

One memorable encounter happened during a Living Word City Blitz in Brainerd, Minnesota. My team went shopping for souls at a Walmart in the nearby town of Baxter. One man I prayed with was a 99-year-old survivor of the Bataan Death March during World War II. As far as I know, Walt is the oldest person I’ve ever led to the Lord. Two years later, I was channel surfing at a friend’s house and happened to catch a TV news report that Walt had died at 101.

When David volunteered to take on Goliath, he received many rewards. That included not paying taxes (1 Samuel 17:25). Our veterans should receive similar benefits, especially those who fought in combat. Many of us never experienced the danger of enemy soldiers firing upon us.

So the next time you see a veteran, thank him for his sacrifices to our country. But don’t neglect to share the Good News about the One who sacrificed His life so that all of us can receive the benefits of eternal life.

“For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” - Romans 5:7-8


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